Japan s emperor hopes for peace 80 years after end of World War II

Tokyo - Japan’s Emperor Naruhito renewed his wish for world peace on his birthday, marking the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, the Imperial Household Agency (IHA) said on Feb 23.

“I hope that this year, the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, will be an occasion... to remember the preciousness of peace in our hearts, and to renew our commitment to peace,” he said in a speech to the IHA ahead of his 65th birthday.

“I believe that it is important to pass on the tragic experiences and history of war from the generation that experienced it to the generation that does not know of it,” he said.

“Many precious lives were lost in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, air raids on Tokyo and other cities, ground battles in Okinawa, and fierce battles on Iwo Jima and overseas,” he added.

“I believe it is important to nurture a love for peace by deepening our understanding of the past, not forgetting those who died and those who suffered.”

With the world still suffering from wars, natural disasters and climate change, “I believe that even greater cooperation and collaboration within the international community is needed to build a tolerant society that respects and accepts different values and a peaceful world”, he said.

Japan will mark the 80th anniversary of its surrender in World War II on Aug 15.

During WWII, Japan fought in China and Burma – today, Myanmar – against Allied forces, and tried to invade British-ruled India, of which Bangladesh was then a part.

The war ended in August 1945 after the United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan. AFP

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